Speaking with Women
Speaking with women is a global conversation on being visible and crafting your professional path when you are a woman.
The options we have, the brands we build, the permissions we give ourselves.
It is a show about showing up.
You will hear the voices of real women from all over the world discussing a variety of subjects. There are special editions such as the 2020 Virtual Coffee Tour or the Unmistakable series, but also solo episodes where we dive into some of the more common roadblocks you might encounter as a professional woman and what you can do to Find your Voice, Own your Story and Step into your Power.
Speaking with Women
Ep. 73 Why being humble is not serving you and what to do instead
In this episode, I discuss why humility is not a good thing for women and should not be a value you hold dear.
Being "humble" and not wanting to "talk about myself" is something I hear from the vast majority of my clients and the women I interact with. Often it is code for something else and it does not have the positive impact we think it does.
In today's episode we will explore what the real problem behind this belief is, the impact it has and last but not least we will talk about some ideas to reframe and change.
This is Deepa Narayan's TED talk I mention in the episode
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or book a chat with me here
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Instagram @bibigihaile